Selasa, 19 Maret 2013

Four Overcome Low Back Pain Treatment

Low Back Pain
Falling, sitting for hours, or lack of exercise may be the cause of back pain. This issue may sound trivial, but if left unchecked will be more severe pain and very disturbing activities. 

From the beginning of these symptoms appear you should start screened for the trigger. Will therapy and specialized care in order to overcome the excruciating back pain. Four treatments can be done, depending on the condition of his back. 

1. Chiropractic Care 
The pain is usually felt in the lower back but the problem tends to occur throughout the spine. This is according to Meir Victor Nazarian, a chiropractor in Los Angeles. 

Chiropractic manipulation therapy to help align the bones. This therapy should be done routinely. 

"People come up just when they're saki. Fact like teeth, spine should also be treated to keep it healthy," said Nazarian, quoted from 

2. Physical Therapy 
The lower back should be flexible and able to turn properly. But most of us sit motionless for hours at a time. After doing light physical activity, within 72 hours, the pain can be reduced. 

"That's why physical therapists prescribe walking and other light exercise, such as stretching and strengthening muscles to cope with back pain," said Peggy Brill, a therapist. 

3. Therapy reduces stress 
 Many do not know that stress can be a trigger back pain. The pain comes from emotional issues that trigger tension. Tension that affects the spinal cord, which in turn triggers pain in the back. Therapy is usually done to help patients deal with negative emotions constructively. 

4. Operation 
"Surgery is a last resort, when physical therapy and the treatment was successful," said Paul McCormick, MD, a professor of neurosurgery at Columbia University. 

Surgery may be necessary in some cases curved spine, narrowing of the cavity that surrounds the spinal cord and nerve inflammation.

Four Overcome Low Back Pain Treatment Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Baraja

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